assisted living

The Most Googled Employment Topic

If you type the following into google search ” the most googled employment topic” your first few results will look like this……well you get the picture.
Nothing relevant to actual employment topics. Google is arguably the most influential search engine or (company for that matter) on the planet but unless you are specific in your search, you are likly to end up with gobledigook that have no revelence.

Download A Brain, Dude.

Oh…….do I have your attention? Yes of course, that should last for………….another 9 seconds…………..until you become distracted again. Hey…………I’m over here.
Wait a minute………… did something just move? Did you say something? I’m sorry I am organizing my 6500 songs on my ipod, at my desk, pretending to work.

Oh that’s right, I only really care about 40 of those songs. Wait, I just got an email that I have to respond to. Hang on………….Ok, I’m back.

Oh yes, back to my ipod…………I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s time to do a little bit of work. Hang on, I have to reply to a text ……………..gosh, I am the worst typer………….hang on……………ok, I’m back.

I swear, something just moved. Anyways, I need to get back to my work but I am hungry. I think I will rifle through my desk to see if I have any left over snacks from last week.

Multislacking by Bernie Reifkind

Hey Employers: do you have employees that are Multislackers? Do you have some employees that are constantly whining and complaining because they are “over-worked”, “under-appreciated”, “under-paid”, “over-whelmed, “over-this, ” “under-that”, over and over and over, etc? Did it ever… Read More »Multislacking by Bernie Reifkind