Health Care Recruiting Company

Google Healthcare Recruiter

When you google “healthcare recruiter” to compete successfully in the business world –in any industry–successful staffing/ recruitment and retention of senior talent is the ultimate goal of most progressive organizations. The costs associated with talent… Read More »Google Healthcare Recruiter

College Degree: Credibility to Interview

As a Recruitment Executive I see resumes all day long (as you might imagine.) If someone does not have a BS/BA degree then for education I will often see things like Graduate of the Dale Carnegie course or Toastmasters, etc. It’s not the same.

In many cases, having a license to work in a specific field such as nursing or physical therapy looks great on a resume (without having a college degree) ; however having a license along with a college degree in most cases trumps the competition….on paper.

How to Keep Millennials from Leaving Their Jobs

Millennials often seek a higher purpose when it comes to their work. When trying to keep Millennials happy, remind them of your company’s mission statement, and how they contribute and are crucial to the greater cause. They like to know they are of worth. Forty-nine percent of junior Millennials (or Millennials in graduate or junior positions) reported in a Deloitte survey that their personal values or morals were very influential in their decision-making at work.